cPanel Web Hosting Features Print

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The Most Popular Features

The quantity of tools offered by cPanel web hosting represents a near unlimited number of possibilities in the way a user can manage their website or server.

The top features alone allows each user to fully manage their online presence professionally and with minimal training involved.

We've taken the most popular features of cPanel and have broken them down for you.

Running Your Website With Ease

cPanel provides tools to let you run your website successfully:


Business communication is important. Managing multiple email users, business specific email addresses, blocking spam, and creating filters can be a hassle. What cPanel has done is create easy to use tools that enables the website owner to control email from easy to use interfaces.


Securing a website and server can be a hassle for even the most seasoned professional. cPanel helps its users by providing the tools needed to help reduce the possibilites of attacks all the while giving the website owner secure access to their server.

File Management

With multiple domains, subdomains, email accounts, CMS platforms, and users who access the server via FTP; A website owner can quickly become overwhelmed with trying to manage the server. cPanel makes this easy with their File Management tools.

Domain Management

Customers running a server will for the most part need to create sub-domains, add domains to their hosting account, or park domains. cPanel makes these features available to our customers.

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