Office 365 Email Setup - Example MX Entries at Connect 2u2 Print

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How to setup Office 365 MX Entries to work with your domain name?

Example MX Entries:

MX Record: TTL 3600 MX Priority 0 Hostname

CNAME Records: 

autodiscover TTL 3600 CNAME Hostname

msoid TTL 3600 CNAME Hostname

enterpriseenrollment TTL 3600 CNAME Hostname

enterpriseregistration TTL 3600

sip TTL 3600 CNAME Hostname

lyncdiscover TTL 3600 CNAME Hostname

SIP Records:

_sip._tls TTL 3600 SRV Priority 100 Weight 1 Port 443 Hostname

_sipfederationtls._tcp TTL 3600 SRV Priority 100 Weight 1 Port 5061 Hostname

For more information or for technical support while setting up emails to work with Office 365, please ORDER A TECHNICAL SUPPORT HOUR >

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