How to install WordPress using Softaculous in Connect cPanel Print

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Is it neccessary to ask - What is WordPress?

Most of the people interested in publishing anything online have heard about WordPress. WordPress is web software or Content Management System you can use to create a beautiful website, online portfolio, magazine, shop or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

The core WordPress software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you're ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. (More than most commercial platforms.) It also means you are free to use it for anything from your recipe site to a Fortune 500 web site without paying anyone a license fee.

Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call 'home' and we'd love you to join the family.

Connect WordPress from your Control Panel

(The instructions below apply to all Connect Hosting Services, Managed WordPress Hosting, Business SSD, Starter SSD and Unlimited Cloud)

Once you order a hosting service, you can start creating your own website with WordPress. Connect Control Panel has inbuild WordPress installer. Using Softaculous automatic application installer you can install WordPress in just a few clicks.

Below you can find step-by-step guidelines covering the WordPress installation process:

  1. Log into your Connect Control Panel, go to Services, Login to cPanel.
  2. Once in your cPanel dashboard, navigate down to Softaculous Apps Installer section > Choose WordPress (icon)
  3. Once WordPress description opens, switch to the Install tab (blue) to proceed:
    On the next page you will need to fill out the details of your WordPress installation.
  4. Choose the domain you wish to install WordPress for.
    In the In Directory field you can specify the root folder for WordPress installation. By default, this field is empty (or prefilled with 'wp'), and it allows installing WordPress on directly (or in sub.domain).
    If you wish to install WordPress to a subfolder, like, simply type 'wp' (default) or any other folder name in this field.
    If you wish to install WordPress directly on your domain, empty the field.
    Database Name can be left as-is, default.
    Table Prefix can also be left default; however, due to security reasons it is better to change it, e.g., to yourpfx_ (prefix starts with letters and ends with underscore) - Keep it simple.
    The Site Settings section should be filled out accordingly to your needs, though you can change it anytime later if required.
    Make sure you set up secure and hard-to guess details in the Admin Account section:
  5. When ready, scroll down and hit Install.
    In a few moments you will see the message that WordPress has been successfully installed:
  6. You can now go ahead and log into your WordPress Dashboard to start working on your website.
  7. After your website is fully operational and you're happily working on its promotion and online presence, you can always return back to the installation script (as above) for more administrative tasks as Backup, Cloning and Administrative Management.

If you need a managed professional WordPress service for your website, you can always purchase a monthly Basic or Advanced Support Plan from Connect 2u2 Web Technologies >

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